Thursday, May 18, 2006

FAGBOK: "The Best Software Writing 1" samlet av Joel Spolsky

Joel Spolsky er en interessant person med stort ego og meget sterke oppfatninger om programmering og databransjen. Hans webside Joel on Software er svært lesverdig.

I denne boken har han samlet det han mener er de beste artiklene om software som utkom i 2004. Hver artikkel har en fyldig innledning av Joel himself.

Jeg synes Joel har samlet en lang rekke med gode artikler. Flere kjente navn; men også mange som jeg ikke har hørt om før. Fin måte å få vite om dyktige folk i bransjen som skriver godt og interessant. De fleste har jo egne websider, så boken er egentlig bare et utgangspunkt for videre lesing.
Og naturligvis er allerede "The Best Software Writing 2" i trykken...

Kan kjøpes på Amazon.

Joel Spolsky sier:

The software development world desperately needs better writing. If I have to read another 2000 page book about some class library written by 16 separate people in broken ESL, I’m going to flip out. If I see another hardback book about object oriented models written with dense faux-academic pretentiousness, I’m not going to shelve it any more in the Fog Creek library: it’s going right in the recycle bin. If I have to read another spirited attack on Microsoft’s buggy code by an enthusiastic nine year old Trekkie on Slashdot, I might just poke my eyes out with a sharpened pencil. Stop it, stop it, stop it!

And that’s why when Gary Cornell suggested this book, I leapt at the idea. It would be a chance to showcase some of the best writing about software from the past year “or so.” The original idea was to make it an annual, so the volume you’re holding would be “The Best Software Writing of 2004,” but there were a bunch of great articles from 2003 that we wanted to include, and we were afraid bookstores would return it at the end of the year if there was a date in the title. I solicited nominations from the faithful readers of my website, Joel on Software, and selected the final stories myself, so the blame for what’s included and what isn’t included is entirely my own, but full credit for really incredible writing in a field that doesn’t normally get any goes to the contributors.

Terningkast 4,5

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